
Title: The Princess Complex Workshop

Dates: February 22

Times: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Venue: Education Building (Top Floor)

Age Group: 16 and up

Price: $15

Description: Discover what it truly means to embrace “The Princess Complex” in this interactive, hands-on workshop designed to prepare performers for auditions and performances in Disenchanted! This workshop includes:

  • Acting Workshop (30 min): Learn how a princess should act (and how they shouldn’t) with Laura.
  • Choreography Workshop (30 min): Master 8 counts of 8 from the show with Jenn R., starting with a warm-up and across-the-floor techniques.
  • Song Workshop (30 min): Pick the perfect song to highlight your voice and comedic timing with Tracy.
  • Audition Expectations (15 min): Learn everything you need to know about auditioning for Disenchanted! with Jen W., including dress, attitude, and tips for specific roles.

Reserve your spot online today! Tickets are available up to the morning of the workshop.